Saturday, February 2, 2008


It was the after-dinner chat - and, as uaual, only words were walking miles. There were four other friends with me and we ended up talking about a lecturer friend who has just got a new job. After some talks, one of my friends, pointing at me, suddenly said - "What will happen if he becomes a lecturer?" The laughter that this imaginative sentence elicited would have surely put Rowan Atkinson to self-pity. Somehow containing his laughter, he repeated his question one more time. Here is the reaction -

Friend 1 - Hahahahahahahahahahahha (Vigourous swaying of the body - rocking back and forth.)

Friend 2 - I cannot imagine, man. (She is of a very soft nature and hence this soft expression.)

Friend 3 - College will be closed by the time he reaches. (Hit the nail on the head, I say.)

The pleasant picture of a packed class in rapt attention was suddenly torn apart. I could not tell them how it would be after the last comment.

1 comment:

Arijit said...

hahahahahahahahaha...........I cannot stop laughing