Sunday, June 24, 2007

A sense of guilt

A short note after a long break - thought of writing this down as some sort of a confession. There have been numerous instances where friends and other people I know have asked me for an opinion. Though highly varied in their content, the one common thing in all of them was that I have always given a true and honest suggestion. It makes me happy when someone remembers something I said/did that was of help to him/her. I hope I manage to be like this and make whatever little difference I can. The confession part comes now - it feels really awful when certain situations dawn on me and I do something that I would have never advised anyone else. I feel a sense of guilt thinking I do things which are not right, and do that in my senses - deliberately blurring the line that differentiates. But things really go a bit out of control at times, where one is left to choose from various evils or lose everything in choosing the solitary right. And not everyone can set an example by choosing the latter.

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