Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Unique Dozen

'You are not experienced enough in life, you have not seen the world.'

Someone had told me these words sometime back. Though on that day I just smiled for an answer, I thought of breaking the silence today with a few laughs. I mean, without getting into the gory details of the crimes life has committed on me, let us focus on the scenes that bring comic relief. So as to not getting into writing an epic of my experiences, I would rather introduce 12 people and their rather weird habits.
  • I actually know a person who has never used shampoo in his life. It's not that he does not clean his hair - and he knows fully well that you should not use the body bar for the purpose. The secret to his healthy crop - detergent!
  • One is a firm believer that brandy and beer taste best when had with, err, bread-butter-jam.
  • A relative calls up for directions each time he visits our house because he actually does not remember where to look to his right in the straight road to see our house. The only place he does not ask for directions is while travelling between his home and office.
  • An untimely and unannounced visitor - after tasting the flawless chicken curry that my mother prepared in jet-speed - showed about 1/16 of an inch on his finger before saying, "The ginger is a l-i-t-t-l-e more than what was required."
  • The earlier mention of chicken reminds me that there is a person who actually relishes his chicken curry with milk and rice. Well, that's too much to digest!
  • My grandfather would argue with the salesman in the sweets shop over the better bargain in taking jalebis by the count or by weight. If he was told weight, he would say count - and when the person would proceed, he would go back for weight and so on... Finally he would go for taking them by the count, and putting them on the scale just before paying for it. You had to be there to fathom the hilarity of the this act.
  • I have a friend who is so finicky that he would not have a roti without removing every black burn from it and not have anything sweet to avoid throat pain! (He happened to be my roommate for about 2 years and I can write a book on his antics.)
  • One of the best persons I know, this friend joined his tenth job within his 2 years of working experience. His has been a very motivating example for me, but I have not been able to emulate even 1% of what he has done.
  • I have heard about this person who would not have her afternoon nap without smelling on to a few napthalene balls tied at the end of her saree. If some of her hosts could not provide her with them, she used to manage that day with a tin of shoe-polish.
  • One is a kleptomaniac who would latch on to each chance of stealing/cheating. He used to remove hard drives and memory cards from the computer labs, come out of the trial room wearing a trouser under his loose cargoes, sneak out of restaurants after a hearty meal and so on. And he claims that the world has made him like that. The best artifact I saw was the pair of shoes that a groom was wearing in a wedding. Sure to be married in the Bengali way, there was no chance that he could even wear them to his own wedding :)
  • Before buying her lenses, a friend would go idol-watching during Durga Pujas with her glasses tucked in her handbag. She would wear them only for the 30 odd seconds she actually stood in front of the idol.
  • One friend is so aghast by the cleanliness in the USA that he has taken it on himself to hang the carrybags of his takeaway meal leftovers on the branches of the roadside trees.

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