Friday, February 2, 2007

Broad Grins on Broadway

The wait was finally over. Yesterday, I finally went for a musical at the Winter Garden theater on Broadway. The wait was long and bred a lot of excitement, research and tentativeness. After a cursory search at the summaries, we had closed in on The Phantom of the Opera and Mamma Mia. Each had rave reviews and has been running for quite sometime now, 18 and 5 years, respectively. Finally we went for Mamma Mia - a musical interspersed with songs of ABBA. Given my idea of English music, it felt great that I had heard 2 of the songs before and could vaguely recall a few more. The music was refreshing, the stage and lights out of this world and choreography superlative. It was not much about acting, and was even overtly dramatic at times, but that's how it went throughout, what it was all about. All in all - complete entertainment, amazingly refreshing. Am a bit heady with about a combined 5 hours of sleep in the last 3 days. Otherwise, this post surely deserves more space.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get a tight sleep and post the second part of your experience.