Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Irritatingly Yours

Sometimes we offer to do more than what is normal - solely for the sake of friendship. The difference between doing something out of sincerity and doing someone a favour is simple - you do not feel that you have done a good thing, and the other person does not stay thankful to you, in the former case. A favour, however, gives a sense of superiority to the doer, and a state of subdued presence for the one who benefits. What, then, is the differentiator? On the surface, it seems it is what you are doing. But actually it is who you are doing it for. You can risk your life, happiness, career, money and any other thing for a true friend - without thinking twice. On the other hand, you might hesitate to even ask a minor adjustment from someone who is not. Examples abound in scores and let's not get into that. But the irony is that we do not get many real friends in life and usually distribute our relations with varying degrees of genuineness and selflessness.

Well, the seemingly heavy start is by no means indicative of why I started this post. One of my very good friends came over this weekend to attend a function and we met up after almost a year. We were in the same group in college all through. I really admire her intelligence and unwavering love for coffee, chocolates and reading. But the best part about her is that - ever since I know her - I have always come up stupid remarks to all her questions, comments or observations and she has withstood them all for all these years. I just love that look of hopelessness and frustration everytime this happens. :D

We met for lunch yesterday and I was to come to office (office starts at 2 pm for me these days) after that. After a very good meal and even better time - regularly interrupted by calls from office for the both of us - I realised I was running very late as usual. She did not have much to do for the afternoon and was thinking of something interesting to do. So I offered her the best I could in that scorching Hyderabad afternoon - she could come with me to my office (around 15 km), wait at the cafeteria alone for about 30 minutes till I settle in, chat with me for some more time before I see her off to an auto again for her to travel the return journey to her relatives'. I vouch I could show such genuineness only to people like her. Already irritated and put off further by this rather unpleasant proposition, she did what she should not have done, given she knows me for all these years. She tried to reason.

- 'I don't want to go so far in this heat', she said.

- 'Don't worry, I would drop you midway on my way to office. You come back after that,' I said with unchanged earnestness.

That look! I could do anything for that look on her face. With unadulterated sincerity :D

P.S. - Nidhi, if you are reading this, don't get mad. You know I like you so much. :)


Anonymous said...

Idiot ...
you forgot my love for the sun...
see again trying to reason :D

spilledbytes said...
